TMJ Therapy in North Miami Beach, FL

Seek Treatment to End Your Jaw Pain

Do you suffer from facial pain or notice a persistent popping sensation when you move your jaw? While many patients assume this discomfort is natural, these symptoms could indicate an underlying condition known as Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction Syndrome (TMJ Disorder/TMD). The health of your jaw should always be a priority for your dentist, since those muscles play a large role every time you bite, chew, speak, or yawn.

What is TMJ Disorder?

TMJ disorder is a common condition that affects patients to various degrees and is characterized by severe headaches, jaw pain, teeth grinding, and an intermittent ringing in your ears (tinnitus). The majority of people who suffer from TMD are unaware of what’s causing their issues, often leading to their untreated symptoms becoming severe enough to interfere with everyday life. If you believe you may be suffering from TMD, it’s important to schedule an appointment at our North Miami Beach office so Dr. Abbo can determine the cause of your pain.

With the proper care and attention, our staff will be able to develop a customized treatment plan to relieve your TMD symptoms and address the root cause of your discomfort.

Causes of TMD

TMD is usually caused by excess stress that’s put on the jaw muscles. Patients report that their symptoms generally worsen over a period of time, eventually leading to periods of dizziness and intense facial pain. Other proven causes of TMD include:

  • Teeth grinding during sleep (bruxism)
  • Gradual erosion of the teeth and jaw structure
  • Muscles and joints damaged due to injury
  • Cartilage damaged by arthritis
  • Misaligned teeth, often called “bad bite”


It’s important for anyone experiencing the symptoms of TMJ disorder to visit an experienced dentist such as Dr. Abbo to receive a proper evaluation and exact diagnosis.

Symptoms of TMD

TMD has many symptoms that patients wouldn’t normally associate with their jaw. Our dental staff recommends scheduling an evaluation with Dr. Abbo if you experience any of the following issues:

  • Persistent pain and tenderness in the jaw
  • Constant headaches and toothaches at varying degrees of pain
  • Difficulty when chewing or speaking
  • Swollen lymph nodes
  • Ringing in the ears (tinnitus)
  • Difficulty opening or closing your mouth

The Process for Treating TMD

Dr. Abbo will begin by evaluating your oral health. This includes examining the jaw area and your bite, taking X-rays, and reviewing your dental history to help make an accurate diagnosis and recommend treatment.

Once a firm diagnosis has been established, there are several ways to alleviate your symptoms. A specially molded bite guard can be created to remove any stress from your jaw and prevent teeth grinding during the night. Dr. Abbo may recommend a bite relationship analysis. Our expert staff can also recommend relaxation techniques to help lessen the effects of stress if your symptoms prove to be mild. As a last alternative, your dentist can prescribe muscle relaxants or refer you for maxillofacial surgery.

Realignment is also an option that’s provided to get rid of “bad bite” completely. This treatment is especially useful since it not only alleviates your TMD symptoms, but can also improve the aesthetic appearance of your teeth as well. The procedure involves adjusting the relationship between how the upper teeth come together with the lower teeth. This may require new restorations and/or adjusting the natural teeth. Realignment isn’t painful and can be performed with great success if it’s done by an experienced professional such as Dr. Abbo.

At Dr. Abbo Advanced Dentistry, our staff is dedicated to alleviating any pain or discomfort that comes from TMJ disorder. We encourage you to contact our office at (305) 945-0909 to schedule a consultation if you’re experiencing any symptoms. Dr. Abbo would be more than happy to answer any questions and walk you through our treatment process.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does TMD go away on its own?

Symptoms associated with TMD won’t go away unless you receive treatment. If you ignore your pain and discomfort, you risk developing other serious health complications that could require more invasive procedures. It’s important to schedule a consultation with Dr. Abbo as soon as possible if you’re experiencing any level of jaw pain or headaches.

Is it normal to feel ear pain while chewing?

It’s not normal to feel ear pain while eating, but it is a common indication of TMD. Your jaw muscles are mostly located by the ears on either side of the head, so an issue that affects this part can result in issues with nearby areas. TMD therapy is designed to alleviate that pain while making it easier to go about your day-to-day activities.

If you’re experiencing ear pain while chewing, call our North Miami Beach office at (305) 945-0909 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Abbo. We’ll help relieve your pain.

Can TMD cause hearing loss?

Excess stress and issues with your temporomandibular joint can result in hearing loss. Due to the close proximity of TMJ with the ears, you may be susceptible to joint damage. While hearing loss is a common symptom of TMD, luckily, immediate treatment can both restore the health of your ears while relieving your jaw pain.

What signs indicate I should see a doctor for TMJ?

If jaw pain is making activities including chewing and speaking more difficult, you should seek treatment as soon as possible. Experienced dentists like Dr. Abbo are trained to identify signs of TMJ disorder while getting to the root cause of your symptoms. Once the severity of your case is determined, he’ll devise a treatment plan that’s best suited to your oral health needs.

Put Jaw Pain to Rest With TMJ Therapy

Dr. Abbo Advanced Dentistry can offer you reliable and effective therapy to tackle the causes of TMJ disorder. If you want relief from constant jaw pain and other debilitating symptoms, call our North Miami Beach office at (305) 945-0909 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Abbo. You can also reach out through our website, where you’ll be put in contact with a helpful staff member.[/text-output]

bill.drabboTMJ (Tempro-Mandibular Joint Dysfunction)